Songs in English 4th
This course we learnt lots of songs in English. At the end of the term we did a performance with some songs, we recorded and edited them.We hope you enjoy them.
This course we learnt lots of songs in English. At the end of the term we did a performance with some songs, we recorded and edited them.We hope you enjoy them.
During the 3rd term we wrote and recorded some podcasts related to our interests. Here there’s a summary of the different topics we choose.
These are the TV Shows we created during the last term. Doing this we put into practice our oral skills. We enjoyed a lot recording and editing them
I finalment, us compartim el darrer vídeo del comiat de sisè fet per l’alumnat.
El passat dimarts 21 i dimecres 22 de juny, els nens i les nenes de 6è van poder viure una “gimcana de comiats” compartint estones amb els nens i les nenes des d’Infantil fins a 5è. Ha estat una feliç manera d’acomiadar-se del Canigó! Fins sempre!
El passat dimarts 21 i dimecres 22 de juny, els nens i les nenes de 6è van poder viure una “gimcana de comiats” compartint estones amb els nens i les nenes des d’Infantil fins a 5è. Ha estat una feliç manera d’acomiadar-se del Canigó! Fins sempre!”